Your Soul's GPS: Akashic Records for Clarity, Healing, and Transformation

Soul Alignment Healing 

Soul Healing | Core Wound Releasing | Mental Emotional and Physical Alignment

Soul Alignment Healing is an energy-based modality, a blend of Akashic Records insights and healing, that transcends the limitations of time and space, offering a holistic approach to healing and personal growth. 

By delving deep into the layers of cellular and energetic memory, this modality facilitates profound shifts at the core level, leading to lasting resolution and inner harmony.

Available In-person (Grantham, Lincs)
Soul Purpose Reading

Akashic Records Reading | Gain Clarity | Make Aligned Decisions

Uncover Life's Purpose. Gain clarity and direction from your Akashic Records guide, through an insightful reading to align with YOUR true purpose. 

If you are feeling lost, struggling with decision making, not knowing what is in alignment with why you are here, then consult your counsel of the Akashic Records—and find your North Star direction to follow..

Available both Online and In-person

Soul Guidance Reading

Akashic Records Reading | Soul Growth | Overcoming Challenge Resistances

Uncover soul-level insights, and pave the way for lasting change in your career, relationships, health, or wealth. These sessions go beyond the surface, offering a unique blend of reading. 

If you're navigating emotional overwhelm or facing challenges, consult the counsel of the Akashic Records—let's move forward together.

Available both Online and In-person

Metaphysical Therapy 

Belief Remapping | Behavioural Patterns and Programming Release | Mind Body Connection

Metaphysical Therapy typically diminishes and resolves provoking emotional, angry and frustrated reactions through the transformation of beliefs and emotions. 
It addresses the underlying core wounds, beliefs, patterns, and programming linked to current life challenges.

Without delving into the specifics of difficult moments, instead concentrates on reframing our perceptions of these occurrences and situations, fostering a more composed reaction to future challenges.

Available both Online and In-person

Community - Courses - Programmes

Mind Body Soul Matters - FB Group Community

Free Community | Health & Wellness | Spiritual | Self Development 

Mind Body Soul Matters FB Group Community - Free group where like minded souls can come together in a safe place, to discuss, learn, experience all things mind, body and soul related, from health and wellness, food tips and recipes, spiritual posts and insights, healings, meditations and energy updates.

Self Discovery Programme

Self Development | Release resistance blocks to change | Align with YOUR desires | Discover YOURself

10 week program that transforms you from where you are now, to being aligned with your deepest desires of who you would like to be in this lifetime.

Journey Through the Chakras

Transforming emotional blocks | Self Help | Root | Sacral | Solar Plexus | Heart | Throat |
3rd Eye | Crown

Video tutorial of each chakra accompanied with a deep dive into each chakra, helping release the blocks and emotions that are being held within.

Soul Purpose Discovery Course

Soul Purpose | Discover YOUR purpose in this lifetime | Add direction and meaning to your life

7 Week Deep Dive Program into various areas of you and your life, including your life's experiences, personality, skills and talents, passions and compassions - giving you an in-depth insight into who you are where you have come and how it has all been guiding you in the direction of your souls purpose.  A fascinating, insightful and inspirational course, where by the end you will know yourself and know where you are heading.