Metaphysical Therapy - aligning your Inner and Outer Worlds

Metaphysical Therapy offers a transformative approach to healing, focusing on: 

the intricate connection between:

your life experiences, emotions, beliefs and programming


the health of your body, mind, energetic vibration and the life you live.

Metaphysical therapy is a modality that addresses and releases out of date programming and beliefs, ancestral lineage trauma, which can facilitate profound shifts at the core level, leading to lasting resolution and inner harmony.

Metaphysical Therapy is rooted in the understanding that our words, programming, and emotions are not solely confined to the present moment, but are intricately connected to our physical and energetic health, and unless dealt with fully at the time, these experiences and emotions can linger way past their due date, and be the underlying cause of many physical and mental health challenges many years down the line.  

This therapeutic approach goes beyond mere symptom alleviation, and

without the need to delve into distressing event details

 can reshape emotional responses, thoughts, and behaviours


Cultivating a cleaner belief system - aiming for balance in both 

Your Inner and Outer worlds!


Metaphysical Therapy

 Looking at how your current life is still being affected by your previous life

Time to release the past and live in the now

How It Can Help You

  •  Reduce Stress and Anxiety
  • Restore Emotional Balance
  • Ease Mental Anguish
  • Better Relationships with Self and Others
  • Increased Calmness
  • Balancing your 'out of balance' Reactions
  • Increased Sense of Self 

" Your energy flows where your attention grows."

Debbie Newman

Ready to Start Aligning your Life with Your Desires?

Metaphysical Therapy Session Available ONLINE and IN-PERSON (Grantham, Lincs)

Metaphysical Therapy Session - On-Line (Via Zoom)
Typically lasts 90 minutes


Metaphysical Therapy Session - In-Person (Grantham, Lincs)
Typically lasts 90 minutes

If you would like to schedule a discovery call to explore how Metaphysical Therapy can help you, please make contact via email using link or the address below, to arrange a mutually agreeable time for us to talk.